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Dobre wieści dla kobiet!

Dobre wieści dla kobiet! Pani Minister Izabela Leszczyna ogłosiła projekt „Bezpieczna Świadoma Ja”. Jest zamiar wprowadzenia refundacji in vitro, braku ograniczeń do badań prenatalnych, antykoncepcji awaryjnej, znieczulenia porodu, karania szpitali za odmowę legalnej aborcji, rozpowszechnienia szczepień przeciwko wirusowi HPV i innych długo oczekiwanych zmian. To wspaniałe wieści! Cieszymy się, trzymamy kciuki i czekamy na realizację! 😊

Dobre wieści dla kobiet!

Elle - Kobiety trzydziestolecia

Ponad 140 operacji na sercach dzieci w łonie mamy. Pięć tysięcy zabiegów wewnątrzmacicznych. Profesor Marzena Dębska współtworzyła jeden z najważniejszych na świecie ośrodków perinatologii. Ginekolożka, obrończyni praw kobiet i położniczka. O cudzie narodzin może mówić godzinami. Edukatorka. Dba o zdrowie kobiet w każdym wieku. Pierwsza miesiączka, ciąża, niepłodność, menopauza, profilaktyka nowotworów ginekologicznych. Lekarka z misją. Nasza kobieta 30-lecia.

Elle - Kobiety trzydziestolecia

What do women need most?

Support, sincerity in contact with the other woman. Just such supportive conversations were prepared for you by Dr. Monika Łukasiewicz, gynecologist.

What do women need most?

Who will be the Warsaw Woman of the Year 2023?

The jury, made up of exceptional people connected with Warsaw, selected 10 extraordinary women from more than 300 candidates. The residents will decide which of them will become the Warsaw Woman of the Year 2023. The vote will last until November 10.

Who will be the Warsaw Woman of the Year 2023?

The worldwide success of the Polish doctor. Prof. Dębska saves lives by operating defects in the womb

The Polish specialist in the field of perinatology has 140 operations for heart defects in the womb. Colleagues say that she has entered the heights of medicine - she carries out a complicated procedure on a heart the size of a pentagram. She was appreciated by the parents of the rescued children, now the recognition came from abroad. Prof. Marzena Dębska received an award in the field of therapy of heart defects in fetuses.

The worldwide success of the Polish doctor. Prof. Dębska saves lives by operating defects in the womb

Victoria's baby was operated on in her womb: “I felt pain, but also joy that something can be done with this defect”

Until a dozen years ago, children who came into the world with serious heart defects had no chance of survival. Fortunately, advances in medicine have made it possible to save their lives while they are still in the womb. Such an operation was undergone by Victoria and her son.

Victoria's baby was operated on in her womb: “I felt pain, but also joy that something can be done with this defect”

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